
the pearl of the Gulf of Riga

Reaching the island of Ruhnu may not always be easy, but the journey is well worth the effort, as you will get to experience the serene idyll and tranquility of the island – the peace of Ruhnu. If anything disturbs the peace and quiet, it is the sound of the sea. True, life on planet Ruhnu does take a few twists and turns from time to time.


In summer, you can reach the island by liner either from the port of Roomassaare, which is just five minutes by car from the centre of Kuressaare, or from Pärnu on the mainland.

In winter, the island is accessible by plane

By sailing boat Sophia
By sailing boat Delphine
By your own vessel to Ruhnu Harbour

Ruhnu: a spa for the senses

The isolation and openness of Ruhnu awaken and soothe every sense. Endless sea views stretch to all horizons, complemented by the golden sands of Limo Beach and the gentle murmur of beachside pines. Breathe in the salty air – it is invigorating and freeing. As you sway to the rhythm of Estonia’s southernmost island, you feel that you trust the sea. Completely. In today’s world, Ruhnu offers an extraordinary, sensation experience of a lonely island. It is no wonder that an island so independent and unique feels as expansive as a planet.

What flavours define the island?

Living in the middle of the sea, one gets the sense that Ruhnu is surrounded by fish. Thus, fish is a firm favourite of the people or Ruhnu. Salt-cured and smoked whitefish, fried flounder, freshly caught red-fleshed fish… Fish is undeniably a defining flavour of Ruhnu. The summer island treats you to large, juicy blueberries that stain your mouth and tongue with the true colour of summer. Save a piece of summer in your body and soul with Ruhnu’s blueberry soup, a dish that will leave you craving more. In the mornings on Ruhnu, the air is filled with the aroma of warm bread and the taste of soft pastries. Lunch can be customized to suit every taste, while in the evening, the treasures of the sea and forest set the tone for the company you choose to share it with.

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Authentic Ruhnu

Can you imagine that just a hundred years ago, Ruhnu nearly became the only island of Latvia? For centuries, this island has had an international presence and the influence of the culture of Ruhnu Swedes continues to resonate in its way of life and stories to this day. Among the important landmarks of Ruhnu are the French-origin metal lighthouse, a unique structure that is the only one of its kind in the world, and two distinctly different churches standing side by side, both having withstood the test of time in harmonious coexistence. The wooden church of Ruhnu was established as early as 1643, making it the oldest and most venerable wooden building known in Estonia. In 1912, a new stone church was built just three metres away. It is hard to imagine a place quite like it anywhere else in the world. Ruhnu seems to be larger on the inside than it appears from the outside. With its sand dune peaks and marshy expanses, how else could such a diverse landscape fit onto one small island? It is a place where people live many lives at once, which is why it is not surprising that the same person might run both the airport and the church.

Locals recommend:

  • Enjoy a charming evening watching the sunset on Kuunsi beach or the Limo dunes.
  • Strike up a conversation with the locals under the bungalows by the shop to hear about life on Ruhnu. You might even get the chance to join the local fishermen on a trip or be invited to their homes for a taste of island hospitality.
  • Explore the western or eastern coast of the island with your toes in the water.
  • Take in a bird’s-eye view of the island from the top of the Ruhnu Lighthouse.
  • Visit the oldest and most revered wooden building known in Estonia Ruhnu Wooden Church and its neighbouring New Church of Ruhnu.
  • Visit the Ruhnu Museum and Korsi Farm.
Visit Saaremaa - Ruhnu kirikud - arhitektuurifoto

More information on the website of Ruhnu

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