Prepare for unexpected

Crisis does not call when it comes! In an emergency, until help arrives, the life, health and well-being of a person in need depends to a large extent on the person in need of help. 

It is very important that every person, family and community make preparations for a crisis and think through how to protect the life, health and property of themselves and their loved ones in an extreme situation.

Estonia, together with Latvia and Lithuania, will fully decouple from the Russian electricity system and join the continental European frequency area. This step will strengthen Estonia’s energy security by making the energy system independent from Russia.

On 8 February, the Baltic countries will completely disconnect from the Russian electricity system and will be in island mode. This means that Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will temporarily maintain the frequency of their electricity system themselves. The following day, on 9 February, the Baltic states will connect to the continental Europe frequency area.

Energy companies have prepared thoroughly for the transition, and it is very unlikely that Estonian residents will notice the transition.

However, in times of great change, one must always be prepared for the unexpected. For more information see or or 

Visit Saaremaa - prepare for unexpected
Visit Saaremaa - how to prepare

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